Monday, December 10, 2012

Silent Auction Total

We have our official total...

Total amount raised at our Silent Auction Fundraiser was $1439.00!!!


So, needless to say it was a HUGE success! A BIG "Thank You" to all who donated, all who helped with the set-up, and all who participated! We couldn't have asked for a nicer day. It was a lot of fun! Enjoy your goodies winners!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

An overflowing heart

I've received a couple of emails today that filled my heart, and I felt the need to blog about it.

I find it CRAZY that throughout this journey the Lord has meticulously placed certain people in our lives. Absolutely crazy. They come to us at just the right time, the times we are desperately praying for peace in our hearts that the money WILL show up, that our paperwork WILL come to an end, that He DOES have our little girl already chosen for us.

When we first decided (after a whole lot of praying!!) this was what God wanted us to do, we made an appointment to talk with an agency here in Des Moines. After that appointment I couldn't help but be discouraged in our decision to adopt. It would have been easy to walk away and choose not to adopt after talking with this agency...however, we are adopting because it was what God called us to do. He wrote it in our family's story long ago and we were NOT willing to "choose" what we had planned for our lives. So, we continued to pray. Pray. Pray. And more praying!

Then one day God put one of those people in our lives...She told us not to be discouraged and not to give up. You just haven't found the right agency yet. So, we began interviewing agencies all around the United States. It took some time, but was worth it in the end as we found a great agency full of great people to guide us along our adoption! Thank you Lord for Susan.

Today he put another one of those people in our lives...He listened last night as my husband told him all about our adventure, it was just the thing his small group at church was looking for! He was up praying for us early this morning....praying for us. Wow. His heart and ears were open to God and this morning he sent out a touching email to a TON of people asking them to help us bring this little girl home! It just so happened one of the people he sent it to knows us very well and forwarded it on to us. I was brought to tears by the raw thoughtfulness of this man. His heart is on fire for Jesus! It is awesome! Thank you Lord for Shawn.

We have had so many people blessing us already! Everything from donating baskets for our silent auction to "awesome endeavor!" in the memo line on a check to the one's who may not be able to give finacially but are our pray warriors.

God is alive today. I am certain of it! I have seen Him in so many people along the way!